• Welcome Guest, to the Red Panda Gaming Community Forum.

    Attempting to connect?, Please create and acccount.

    1 - Register Account on our Forums.
    Setup an account on the Red Panda forums. This is where applications such as staff & developer can be found.

    2 - Verify your Connected Email.
    An email will be sent to the email you signed up with. If you did not receive this email, we ask you to please wait a few minutes and then try re-requesting the Verification Email. There are a wide range of factors that might influence the success of this email request and we are working on making it more stable. If after re-requesting the message, the issue still persists please open a ticket where we will be happy to assist you from the backend.

    3 - Connect your Discord to The Forums.
    This can be completed by going to the "Connected Accounts" page in your account settings or in the profile dropdown. However, an easier way of accessing this page is through this link: Here

    Before connecting please ensure that you read our Rules and Server Guidelines.
    Need support? Open a ticket in our discord and we'll be happy to help: Here
